Web site of the Irkutsk DXers
÷ó îééæôòé,
664056, Irkutsk, ul. Borodina, 57
tel.. +7 (3952) 46-80-20, (3952) 46-80-60, (3952) 46-06-79;
fax: +7 (3952)
phone: logp@irk.ru
Central office in Moscow: VNIIFTRI
(in English)
More info here (in Russian)
Location : Eastern Russia, Irkutsk, 52 degr. 26' North , 103 degr. 41' East
Standard frequency : 50 kHz.
Radiated power : 10 kW.
Period of operation : 23 hours per day, 22.00-21.00 UTC, except 00.00-08.00 utc (1 h.earlier when DST) for maintenance: 3rd & 4th monday of each month
Coverage : 80 degr. - 120 degr. East 45 degr. - 75 degr. North
m s m s 00:00 - 04:55 -- A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1 05:00 - 06:00 -- station's identefication is sent by Morse Code 06:00 - 58:55 -- N0N signals ( no modulation ) 59:00 - 59:55 -- A1N signals
(Currently off the air due to budget cut )
Location : Eastern Russia, Irkutsk, 52 degr. 26' North , 104 degr. 02' East
Transmitting site : Angarsk
Standard frequencies : 5004, 10004, 15004 kHz.
Radiated power : 5 kW.
Period of operation : 24 hours per day, except 00.00-08.00 utc for maintenance as below: on 5004 kHz : 2nd tuesday, 3rd monday of each month on 10004 kHz : 3rd tuesday, 3rd monday of each month on 15004 kHz : 2nd tuesday, 3rd monday of each month
Coverage : 20 degr. - 60 degr. East 40 degr. - 70 degr. North
Time signals are given every second of 20 ms duration with a frequency of 10 Hz. Second pip is extended to 40 ms. Minute pip is extended to 500 ms.
m s m s 00:00 - 09:55 -- A1N signals or DXXW signals 10:00 - 17:55 -- N0N signals ( no modulation ) 18:00 - 19:00 -- transmitter is signed off 19:00 - 20:00 -- station's identefication is sent by Morse Code 20:00 - 29:00 -- A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1 30:00 - 39:55 -- A1N signals or DXXW signals 40:00 - 47:55 -- N0N signals ( no modulation ) 48:00 - 49:00 -- transmitter is signed off 49:00 - 50:00 -- station's identefication is sent by Morse Code 50:00 - 59:55 -- A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1
Note : time signals of 56th , 57th , 58th and 59th second after (5n-1)th minute (n=1,2,3,...,12) is omited.
Location : Russia, Moscow 55 degr. 44' North , 38 degr. 12' East
Standard frequencies : 4996, 9996 and 14996 kHz
Radiated power : 5kW on 4996 and 9996 kHz; 8kW on 14996 kHz
Period of operation : 24 hours per day, except 08.00-16.00 msk for maintenance as below: on 4996 kHz : 1st wednesday of the 1st month of quater; on 9996 kHz : 2nd wednesday of the 1st month of the quater; on 14996 kHz : 3rd wednesday of each odd month;
Coverage : 20 degr. - 120 degr. East 35 degr. - 75 degr. North
Time signals A1X are given every second of 100 ms duration with a fre- quency of 1 Hz. Minute pip is extended to 500 ms.
m s m s 00:00 - 07:55 -- MON signals (no modulation) 08:00 - 09:00 -- transmitter is signed off 09:00 - 10:00 -- station's identefication is sent by Morse Code 10:00 - 19:55 -- A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1 20:00 - 29:55 -- DXXXW signals 30:00 - 37:55 -- N0N signals (no modulation) 38:00 - 39:00 -- transmitter is signed off 39:00 - 40:00 -- station's identefication is sent by Morse Code 40:00 - 49:55 -- A1X signals and identefication of DUT1+dUT1 50:00 - 59:55 -- DXXXW signals